
Organize, annotate, and visualize your online research with Canvas ResearchTool. Easily curate website links, add images, and create infinite research boards. A Perfect Bookmark manager for your research.

Effortlessly organize, annotate, and visualize your online research with Canvas ResearchTool. Curate website links, add images, and create unlimited research boards, making it the ideal bookmark manager for all your research needs.

Get Started

Simplify Your Research Process

Canvas is a digital tool that helps you manage your research resources in one place. It has two main parts: the Search Panel and the Canvas Board.

The Search Panel uses a custom search engine to help you find relevant research materials online. When you find useful links, you can add them to your Canvas Board with a click. Each link becomes a card on the board, showing its title, URL, and a brief description. You can rearrange and organize these cards however you like.

The Search Panel also has an Image Tab for finding and adding images to your Canvas Board. You can add notes to each image to give context or highlight important points. Canvas makes it easy to organize and manage your research findings all in one place.

Research Compilation

Researchers can use Canvas to gather and organize relevant articles, and websites related to their study topics. They can quickly search for academic resources using the Search Panel and compile them on the Canvas Board for easy reference and analysis

Creative Idea Board

Designers, artists, and content creators can leverage Canvas to brainstorm and collect inspirational images, articles, and design concepts. By using the Image Tab in the Search Panel, they can gather visual references and annotate each image with ideas or notes directly on the Canvas Board.

Travel Planning

People planning a trip can use Canvas to research and organize information about destinations, attractions, accommodations, and travel tips. By using the Search Panel, they can find and save articles, travel blogs, reviews, and guides about various locations. Each resource can be added to the Canvas Board, creating a visual itinerary. They can also use the Image Tab to gather photos of places they want to visit and add notes for additional context, making trip planning easier and more organized.

News Aggregation

Users can use Canvas to create a personalized news canvas tailored to their interests. Using the Search Panel, they can search for and aggregate news articles, opinion pieces, and updates from various sources on topics such as technology, politics, sports, or entertainment. Each relevant news item can be added to the Canvas Board.


Screenshot of a research tool interface showing a canvas. The search results are displayed on the left, while a Canvas on the right displays curated resources and images related to the research topic. The Canvas has options to create, edit, align, and save, with several curated entries showing brief descriptions and images of the research topic.
Screenshot of a research tool interface showing a search for 'Kyoto places to visit'. The search results are displayed on the left, while a Canvas on the right displays curated resources and images related to travel in Kyoto.
Screenshot of canvas interface showing a search for research topic. The search results are displayed on the left, while a Canvas on the right showcases curated resources and images related to the research topic. A pop-up note with detailed research information is open in the foreground.

How It Works

Using Canvas is straightforward and intuitive. Simply enter the name and description of your canvas, and create your first board. From the left search panel, you can browse the internet and easily add relevant links and images to your canvas board, enhancing your projects with rich, contextual information

Canvas Features

Add Links

Easily add links from the search panel to your canvas for quick reference. We will automatically include the link title and description for your convenience.

Add Images

Add images to your canvas board. You can also add notes to the images to provide more context.

Infinite Canvas

Add as many cards and images as you need to your canvas due to its infinite nature. Additionally, as you move cards around, the canvas auto-scrolls, keeping you focused on your research.

Effortless Canvas Management

When you add a search result to your canvas, the link is automatically included in your image card. You can also easily rearrange items on the canvas using a dedicated button.

Tutorial Video